Car Blog

Montreal Auto show 2010

It was better then last year because we had more room to walk around, breathe, and most importantly, take pics.
Before I load up your internet with my shitty pics, lemme say something.

There has been this sudden popularity in DSLR’s. It’s a good thing people finally decide to take some good photography. Nikon D3000’s I’ve seen 4-5 people, a few Canon XS/XSi/T1i. It’s all cool, I have a XT.

There was this guy who drew my attention. This baseball cap was on sideways, speaking yo yo check out disss whip yo asian dude. Then, he pulls out a 40D. I said to myself: ” cool story bro… wait” I was laughing 50mm f1.8. Usually, you snap pics of car as a whole, not just pieces of it. Unless that’s your style, you’re missing a lot of the ambiance/action.

That’s a definitive fail is a couple in their 40’s/ early 50’s with a Canon, can care less about the model. Then, I see this 75-300mm lens. Now, either the husband is one sick stalker, or he’s just dumb. “Oh cool! I need to take a picture of that SLS AMG, but my back hurts… lemme zooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomm in.”

I’m hating on people because they buy these things because it was on special on Boxing Day or they thought they would look all serious with their DSLR and wrong lens. I saw a few guys with their 5D *drools* with their L-series lenses * $_$ *
I think they knew what they were doing. I’m guessing they’re probably laughing at me in their own blog/website.

pics later.

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